Early Morning Blessing

An early morning walk is a blessing for the whole day ~ Henry David Thoreau

Well I did it. I’d been mulling over it for a month or two, ever since the coolness left and the heat crept in. As much as I try, it’s hard getting up and out of the house before the sun rises. It’s even harder managing a two-mile walk around the park while the monsoon-induced humidity zaps your energy.

So I did it. The I’m-not-interested-in-a-gym-lady got herself a no-frills membership at the purple-colored house of exercise with the intention of maintaining my walking regimen. No matter how late I rise or how sweltering the temps outside, I can walk in coolness.

Well, after day two, the bottom line is……I don’t like it, not one little bit. Thirty minutes on a treadmill, staring at a line of TV screens felt like forever to this outdoor lady. It was the longest thirty minutes of my life.

I miss the trees, the grass, the blue skies, and saying good morning to all those passersby. I miss the smell of freshly watered lawn, (and getting doused by the sprinklers) and listening to the songs of the desert birds in the trees overhead.

I’m sure glad I chose the non-committal sign-up package. Although, I appreciate the air conditioning and shade, I’m an open-air, nature-loving walker and…..I need my early morning blessing. 

To quote Daphne Oz ~ “Exercise is important,  but exercise in a gym is not important. Go take a walk outside. Skip the umpteenth coffee date and go for a hike instead……”

Heat or no heat, humidity or not ~ I agree and I think I will. That’s what alarm clocks are for, right?