Life Is Not A Rehearsal

Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal. Live this day as if it were your last. The past is over and gone. The future is not guaranteed. ~ Wayne Dwyer.

I love places that remind you how tiny you and you’re problems are ~ Anonymous

Since most things are still closed, it was a good day to head back to the Hualapai Mountains for another hike. My grandson and I have a goal to reach the highest peaks ~ he is determined and won’t give up until he reaches the top.

Happiness, not in another place, but this place…not for another hour, but this hour ~ Walt Whitman

Our intention today is to make it to Potato Patch Junction. After a quick stop to catch my breath and refuel, we continued on to our destination. For a Sunday, it’s surprising how empty the trails are ~ especially since this is it for mountain hiking in our area, unless you head towards Flagstaff.

Believe you can and you’re half way there ~ Theodore Roosevelt

We made it to Potato Patch Junction and then some. We continued hiking clockwise around the loop, but turned back to appease my niece (who accompanied us) after a discussion about mountain lion attacks in California. I’m not aware of attacks here, but this is their habitat.

Don’t be afraid to take on big challenges. They give the best rewards. ~ Spencer Christensen

My grandson and I have decided to accept the 52 Week Hike Challenge, sponsored by REI. We will be returning to the Hualapai Mountain’s for most of the summer to meet this challenge ~ the Mohave Desert is too hot and dangerous to hike during this time.

At the end of this month, we will be picking up my granddaughter and heading to the Central Oregon Coast to take advantage of the cooler weather and coastal trails. To quote my favorite inspirational writer again, “Life is not a rehearsal, live as if this day were your last.” Thank you Wayne Dwyer, I think I will. You are missed.